It was a darkdarkdark night in the middle of beautiful 1990's. E and his lover had just met. AND POOFBANGBOOM, something happened. I think you all could guess what that was. 9 months later a child appears on earth. She was like no other child. Nobody knows if it was the february spirit that had affected her 9 months earlier. Anyways, there she was. Running around in circles. Pissing behind doors when she didnt get her way. Just being her true self. Only a month after her birth another child is born across the earth. She is like no other child has ever been before. Apart from one little girl on the other side of earth. Born 20 days earlier. Nobody knows if it is their fisty starsign that has given them their attitude, or if it might just be that they together created it. Fourteen years later.. LOKAT was united. united forever. united to never be separated.
Have a JOLLY evening and I hope you enjoyed the story -KAT