DOOODES! IM SO EXITED!!!! yesterday i was totally sceptical cause it's school and stuff, but now im totally exstatic. TOTALT!

I feel like being jolly for the rest of my life. being jolly is rather jolly! im gonna make a list just like Lollipop did underneith.. But my list is not going to be of names. this one is gonna be on words. words that are cool. like so cool, it's not even cool!

Im gonna write them in order so you  know how cool they are

 1. Narthex
 2. Sterdy
 3. Azerbaijan
 4. Appifany
 5. Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis
 6. Fucktard
 7. Ogre
 8. Maladroit
 9. Onus
 10. SHIT

 These are according to me all great words i wish i would use more often!



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